“质量是企业的生命”,这句话实实在在烙在每一个人的心中。依靠精良的设备、先进的手段和科学的 管理,保证了整个生产过程严格受控于IS09001质量体系,模具从材质选择、加工生产、装配调试都经过严 格检验。

          "Quality is the life our company" has been deeply rooted in the ideology of the employees,advanced equipments and state-of-the-art management guarantee the entire proessing to be under complete control of IS09001 quality system, each part is strctly examined through material selection, process, aasembly and test.

意大利三坐标测量机 CMM from Italy

英国三坐标测量机 CMM from England

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